Cargo bikes: Wissing wants better infrastructure for e-bikes

Cargo bikes: Wissing wants better infrastructure for e-bikes

Wissing also said it is important to strengthen the railway and emphasized that young people continue to get driving licenses. Cars will continue to be used in the future as well. He made it clear that road traffic must emit fewer greenhouse gases more quickly. For this, he again urged that so-called e-fuels should also be given greater consideration. With the synthetic fuels, cars with internal combustion engines can theoretically be operated in a climate-neutral manner.

E-fuels for cars are also criticized because experts say they are more urgently needed in shipping and aviation. Additionally, it is relatively energy-intensive to produce these fuels.

Wissing said: “We need such fuels.”

Therefore, Germany is again hosting an international e-fuels conference this year. The fuels must also be established and certified as an international trade commodity.

“We need a diversity of drives to advance the decarbonization of traffic more quickly.”

Translated automatically from German.

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